Beyond the Scale: A Trainer Redefines Women’s Fitness
For many women, we grow up trying to poke, prod, and tighten our bodies to fit a narrow definition of beauty and “fitness.”
Body Neutrality and Navigating a Bigger Body in the Gym
After a combination of life events, I’ve found myself in a bigger body and downright scared to walk into the fitness class.
10 Most Popular Races for Women - From 5Ks to Half Marathons
Women are now a majority of runners, as there are more women runners than men.
Weightlifting for Women: Essentials from a Trainer
This guide to weightlifting for women outlines all the essentials you need to get started.
Best Women's Muscle Building Workout Routine at Home
I wanted to share this workout that I created to help other women who are working on building lean muscle and improving fitness.
Why I Won’t Stop Running Alone (And Why You Shouldn’t Either)
To me, running alone brings peace and freedom, a chance to go where I want when I want and however fast (or slow) I want.
10 Best Running Safety Tips From a NYC Run Coach
These running safety tips will help you stay running strong wherever you live.
What to Wear Running: Checklist from a Run Coach
This checklist will help you dress for your runs and races and brave any weather Mother Nature throws your way.
Women’s Running Tips to Run Strong
We have compiled some of our best women’s running tips to help you rock your run.
How to Find a Running Sports Bra
Whether you’re a beginning runner training for your first 5K or a longtime marathon runner, a good sports bra can make a world of difference in your comfort during training and racing.
Thick Thighs, Muscles and How Running Improved My Body Image
So many guys would comment on my "big" legs that I used to shudder at the thought of wearing anything that drew attention to my muscular legs.
Best Running Shorts for All Genders, According to Runners
The best running shorts give you freedom and breathability without bunching up or sliding down when you run.
Girls Fight Back Leader Shares Ways to Stay Safe on the Run
Girls Fight Back leader Nicole Snell has been helping women - and all gender identities - enjoy the outdoors with more confidence thanks to her self-defense teachings.
Women Runners Who Made History
We are celebrating the tremendous accomplishments of women, including women runners who changed the sport — and the world — with their courage.
Dog Grumbles, Early Mornings and My First Runstreak
This month, with the help of my furry, grumbling rescue dog, I accomplished my first runstreak (1 month straight of running!) and ran over 100 miles.
3 Reasons Why You Should Get an Accountability Buddy
Show of virtual hands: Who has struggled to hold themselves accountable to their (modified pandemic) goals in 2020? ...Yeah, same.
Body Image, Self-Empowerment & Running without Headphones
On my run sans headphones, with my eyes, not my ears, as my most engaged sense, I saw the whole thing.
Runstreet Runner Profile: Nimbe Juarez
Chicago Marathon runner Nimbe sits down with Runstreet founder Marnie to discuss what motivates her to run and more.
Health Scares, Motherhood and Weight Loss: One Women's Journey to Running Strong
My father died of a heart attack when I was 10 years old due to a blockage in an artery. Because of that and coupled by my sister's issue, I vowed to be the fittest I could be by the time I was the age he was when he passed on.
Survive Running Injury with Cindy Kuzma
Cindy is now continuing to conquer the world one word and mile at a time, as she has a very interesting running book about injuries, as well as a podcast and online injury support group, The Injured Athletes Club.