Women’s Running Tips to Run Strong

By Marissa Del Mistro

Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just getting started, women’s running offers a great way to stay fit and see the world around you. In this article, we’ll delve into essential tips specifically tailored to women running. From finding the perfect sports bra to incorporating strength training, we’ll cover everything you need to elevate your runs and reach your fitness goals. So lace up, and get ready to hit the ground running! Check out some of our top tips for women runners below:

Strength Train


Strength training is crucial for every runner but especially for women, who tend to do less weightlifting than men. Regular strength workouts can help reduce your risk of osteoporosis, strengthen your bones and muscles, and even boost your mood and mental health. Include at least two strength training sessions per week to your training program for optimal results.

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Sync Your Menstrual Cycles to Your Runs

If you are somebody that has a period, you know how difficult it can be and also how different every cycle is from month to month and also from person to person! If you are feeling rough or very sore during your period, being flexible is very useful. There’s no need to do an intense or long run if you are doubled over with cramps. 

If you can manage it, opt for a short run. Running short distances can help alleviate bad cramping, according to studies. Plus, the endorphins aid in mood regulation, and moving your body helps with circulation, which decreases bloating and swelling.  

Tracking your period is incredibly useful, especially if you’re running regularly. As you get used to tracking your cycle and taking note of how your body is feeling and when, you can make informed decisions about your own health, and work in sync with your physiology rather than against it. 

According to researchers, women’s running can be affected by periods to a wide range of degrees - with some women even performing better during their periods - so it’s best to listen to your body and adjust your training accordingly. 

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Running While Pregnant  

Studies show that keeping up with moderate experience during a healthy pregnancy is not only 100% safe but recommended to keep fit, healthy, and in shape. Reducing running duration and intensity can help pregnant women stay safe. Throughout the first and second trimesters, running is considered fine, but it is important to be mindful of speed and external temperature. 

In the final trimester, however, running becomes a little more tricky. This comes down to internal heat. Your core body temperature when pregnant should not exceed 101 F, as this can cause issues for the baby.

After the baby’s arrival, bodily ligaments can remain loose for several weeks post-birth, so it's best to wait at least 12 weeks before running. When you start getting back to your running routine, start slow and steady, being gentle with your body and mind. 

Always speak to your healthcare provider before getting into any workouts as a pregnant person. 

Size Does Matter! 

In general, women have narrower feet than men. This is powerful knowledge when buying running shoes, as you will want to get excellent shoes that properly support your feet. 

The best way to ensure you get the right shoes is to go to a running shop and ask someone to measure your feet for an accurate fitting. If you want to be extra diligent with your foot support (more power to you!), make an appointment with a podiatrist. 

Focus on Your Form 

When compared to men, women are more likely to strike their heels when running, which increases impact on joints and tendons and can increase your chances of injury. Focus on your running form and be mindful of a soft landing, aiming to land in the middle of your foot. When you run, try to be gentle when your foot meets the ground. You can also add more softer surfaces to your runs, trading concrete and asphalt for more cushioned tracks, treadmills, and trails.

Related: Best Strength Training Workouts for Women


Foster Community 

One beautiful element of running is getting to do it with a friend or colleague. There is something very special about running alongside a friend that you trust, especially when that person identifies as female! You can banter about work, life, and other relationships while getting excellent advice alongside a stellar workout. Plus, your running partner is a wonderful accountability partner that motivates and encourages you to keep going. 

Running with a friend can also help you explore a new neighborhood and check out new trails together.

Eat Enough Nutrients

Nutrition is vital for women running and working out regularly. Vitamins and minerals are crucial to keep your body going and healthy, support your bones, and keep your muscles, heart, and brain functioning, while also producing enzymes and hormones. For women, it’s important to focus on calcium and iron as well as protein and carbs to power your workouts. Reach for yummy leafy greens, sardines, salmon, and dairy for calcium and beef, spinach, and chicken for iron.

Wear a Good Sports Bra 

One of the keys to persevere in long-distance running is moisture-wicking running gear that keep you comfortable on the run. Breasts are a collection of fat and tissues, held in place with ligaments and skin—there are no muscles. A well fitted sports bra is an essential for keeping your breasts supported. Signs that your sports bra isn't doing its job correctly include: 

  • Your breasts fall out, either on top or on the sides

  • It pinches your sides and breast

  • You get a rash from the rubbing and movement

  • You need to double up just to get enough support

  • The straps are always slipping off your shoulders 

Wearing a good sports bra offers support, and comfort and aids in running performance. The right bra will support your breasts, ensuring they don’t move excessively when running, protecting the tissues and ligaments, and ensuring they don't stretch. Don’t forget to replace your sports bras every six to 12 months. 

Me Time

Finding time to do something positive for yourself as a woman can be hard! Especially when you add children and family into the mix, it can be overwhelming. Sticking to a regular running routine can be a brilliant release of stress, and tension and is important for self-care. Set firm boundaries with your people and ask for support in ensuring you get your weekly runs in!

Fun, Female-Focused Women’s Running Events 

Women running events are a great way to boost motivation and gain inspiration from real-life runners’ stories.

Women’s running has come a long way. Did you know that the first-ever women’s race was in New York in 1972? It was called The “Crazylegs Mini Marathon” and there were 72 participants. The name is a little…well, sexist: mini was in reference to “miniskirts” and “Crazylegs” was a reference to a sponsor, a women's shaving gel. Playboy bunnies were even brought in to attract attention. However, due to this race, “Title IX” was signed into law, guaranteeing women’s right to participate in school sports.

So when you’re participating in women’s running events, you're taking part in some history, too. Plus, what is more fun than getting a little competitive?! Exploring this side of yourself can support you in varied areas of life, including goal-setting, and increasing the ability to be assertive and self-disciplined. Tapping into this can help you find success in and outside of runs. 

  • Snohomish Women's Run: This spring women’s running event celebrates “the strength and sisterhood of women.” The route takes runners along the banks of the Snohomish River in Snohomish County, Washington. There are plenty of distance options, from 1 km to a full marathon. 

  • Women Run the Cities - This May women’s race in Saint Paul, Minnesota, includes an all-women’s 5K, 10K, and 10-mile run benefiting Girls on the Run, with a post-race brunch to celebrate! 

  • Colorado Women’s Classic- This welcoming spring event is focused on women’s running but all genders are welcome to participate. The race distances include 5K and 10K and the event happens in Westminster, Colorado.

  • NYC Women's Half Marathon - This women’s half marathon is a big event in NYC that brings together women from around the world for a day of fun and fitness. The spring race takes place in Central Park, New York City. 

  • National Women’s Half Marathon and 8K focus on charitable relief and a chance to hit the street for a good cause. Starts in West Potomac Park, Washington D.C. 

See our article on the 10 Most Popular Races for Women for more women’s running events. Follow and tag @Runstreet on Instagram to get cheered on in your runs.

Need a training plan to get you through the finish line in great time? Head to the Runstreet Training Center for customized plans designed by women running coaches.

Happy running to you!

Related Posts: Women Runners Who Made History, Weightlifting Guide for Women

*Language matters. Please note that for the sake of the article, when referring to females/women, this is inclusive of anyone who identifies as a female as well as cis women. 

Marissa Del Mistro is a writer, editor, and always on the hunt for the perfect workout. Marissa absolutely loves trail running, dancing, and cycling. When she’s not writing, Marissa loves cooking, podcasts, traveling, and exploring her home in the beautiful unceded Coast Salish Territory of the Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ nations.


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