Runner Profile: Visually Impaired Running Coach Jared Broughton
“Running is already a lonely sport, so my objective is to make the journey less lonesome,” Broughton says.
Run Streaker Rhea Deroian - 10 Years Running Every Day
Run streaker Rhea Deroian is an inspiring runner is ringing in her 10-year running anniversary of running every day!
Running Manhattan with Inspiring NYC Runner Chris B
Running Manhattan along the whole perimeter is no easy feat - the distance is longer than a marathon. NYC runner Chris B tackled it.
Pioneers Run Crew Founder Makes Strides for Diversity
Sidney is making big strides in the Boston running world and beyond with his Pioneers Run Crew and PYNRS running apparel.
Runstreet Runner Profile: Nimbe Juarez
Chicago Marathon runner Nimbe sits down with Runstreet founder Marnie to discuss what motivates her to run and more.
Health Scares, Motherhood and Weight Loss: One Women's Journey to Running Strong
My father died of a heart attack when I was 10 years old due to a blockage in an artery. Because of that and coupled by my sister's issue, I vowed to be the fittest I could be by the time I was the age he was when he passed on.
Survive Running Injury with Cindy Kuzma
Cindy is now continuing to conquer the world one word and mile at a time, as she has a very interesting running book about injuries, as well as a podcast and online injury support group, The Injured Athletes Club.
Get Faster with NYC Run Coach Iman Smith
For this Coach’s Corner interview, Runstreet founder Marnie Kunz sits down with NYC running coach Iman Smith, also known as @soswanky on Instagram.
Art Runner Spotlight: Ellie Windham
From her 14-lb. weight loss to tackling trauma and anxiety, Ellie shares her incredible story.
Global Running Spotlight: Sabrina Wieser, NYC Running Coach
So far, I've honestly turned every couch potato to a passionate runner.
Alison Desir and Her 240-Mile Run for Women's Rights
Alison's latest project is a 240-mile run to empower women everywhere.
On January 18, Alison and a team of women runners will start a 240-mile run from Harlem, New York City to Washington, DC to attend the Million Women March on Washington and raise $44,000 for Planned Parenthood.
Changing the World One Step At A Time: David Brand Fuses Fitness & Social Work
There are many obstacles that prevent poor people and people with mental illness from accessing exercise opportunities. For example, the cost of transportation, the cost of gyms, lack of exercise education and health information, hazardous environments...Then there are the obstacles like uncertainty, intimidation, resistance to change, inconvenience, discomfort and low self-esteem that we all tend to face regardless of mental health or income.
NYC Marathon Stories: Rob Gilroy
"Being a part of Back on My Feet has given me things and shown me things that transcend running. It has provided me with a new appreciation for battling adversity and introduced me to some wonderful people. Aside from that, I think New York is the greatest running city in the world."
NYC Marathon Stories: Natalia Maddela
I've had the opportunity to run 12 miles with someone who has overcome greater odds than I can imagine, but at one point didn't think he could run a mile. A teammate that struggled through a 10-mile race a year ago, carried me through a 16 mile run last week. My sister is running her very first half marathon in January and I get to run beside her. They motivate me.
Global Running Project: Margaret Kurtz
As we runners know, running offers so much more than a workout or race goal - its power to build confidence, connection and community extend far beyond just the miles and sweat. Margaret Kurtz helps spread this amazing power of running through her involvement with Back on My Feet NYC.
Global Running Project: Roxanne Moreau, Canada
I have been following kick ass Canadian runner Roxanne Gail on Instagram for some time now, and if anyone epitomizes superwoman, it is her. Roxanne slays ultra marathons, trains through dirt, mud, rain, cold, heat and I'm sure would continue through an apocalypse as well.
Global Running Project: Frank Martinez, Oahu, Hawaii
"I run by feel because I'm a thinker and if I allow it to consume me too much, it won't be as fun. Running just helps with life."