Global Running Spotlight: Sabrina Wieser, NYC Running Coach
Sabrina at Central Park. Photo by Frerk Hopf Photography.
I met Sabrina aka @runningbrina on Instagram, at the Adidas Parley Run for the Oceans recently, and loved her enthusiasm and happy spirit. Sometimes the NYC running scene can become packed with people who only stick to their running group, and it was awesome how Sabrina was welcoming and friendly to everyone. That's what we love to see here at Runstreet, as we are all one global running family:). I caught up with the kick ass runner and coach Sabrina for a chat on her move from Germany to NYC, how she got into running and more. Check out her interview, and her website for more information on her coaching.
Meet Sabrina aka @runningbrina
Photo by Selwyn Ramos.
Sabrina is a German runner based in New York City. She is spreading the joy and power of running to the world as a certified running coach. As a lifestyle, fitness and running blogger, Sabrina shares her love of running and fitness on her blog . Sabrina loves to inspire others and motivate them to become a better version of themselves through wellness of mind, body, running and a lot of laughter.
What got you into running?
I started running almost 4 years ago to lose weight and to be a little bit more active. Who would have thought that some runs on the treadmill would turn into a whole new lifestyle, a running coach license and my own blog about running & fitness? Thinking back, I have to admit that I hated running in school. I had every excuse you could imagine to not run at all. And now I cannot even picture myself without lacing up and sweating at least 4 times per week.
What do you love most about running?
Being disconnected from the world. Running is high quality me-time. Running is also kind of like meditation to me. When I’m stressed out and go for a run, I feel much better.
What made you decide to become a running coach?
I wanted to share my love for running and the empowerment of this sport. Also, people kept asking me if I could coach them, but I wanted to be 100% sure I knew what I was doing
because there is so much more you should know before you head outside. Having good running technique is the key to success, for example. This is one of the first things I practice with my clients -- learning how to run efficiently.
Do you do other forms of exercise as well?
Yes, what makes me a bit different from other runners is the fact that I do both weightlifting / bodybuilding and running, which is super hard, to be honest. Gaining muscle while running long distance requires a diet perfectly adjusted to your training. I’m working with a Nutritionist / Fitness Coach from Miami who has helped me a lot over the last 6 months. I have developed a good amount of muscle so far and I’m super proud that I have been able to stick to both. Sometimes I’m so sore from my leg workouts that running feels much harder than it normally is for me. But I love the results, which keeps me going.
Where is your favorite place to run in NYC? And the world?
In New York? Central Park. I love the vibe of the runners of all fitness levels at the park. And it’s a challenging course, too. In the world? I haven’t traveled too far since I’ve started running but my dream is to run in Hawaii one day. A friend of mine lives in Dubai - that could be a bit more challenging than Central Park I guess.
Do you run when you go back to Germany? What do you enjoy most about running there?
Yes, always. No matter where I travel, I always stick to my training. I’m from a small town in Germany and there is not much of a variety of places to run. There is a little lake close to my parents' house. Most of the time, you’ll find me there.
What is one of your biggest running challenges?
Not losing too much weight. No, seriously, what started with exactly the idea of losing extra fat has turned into me wanting to keep everything that I have gained back so far, which is super hard, especially when I’m training for longer races. I’m pretty much injury-free and don’t have to struggle with anything else.
What's your favorite pre-run meal (a few hours before a run)?
I’m an early bird runner. If I eat before my runs, I have a banana and a cup of green tea.
What's your favorite post-run meal?
Overnight Oats and egg whites. I’m obsessed with my overnight oats topped with berries. I really don’t need anything else in the morning.
What's your running mantra that keeps you going when you're on a challenging run?
Look how far you’ve come. Keep going. Never stop.
How does a running coach help people?
Some feedback I have gotten from my clients is that they love how I am able to motivate them. I’m a very dedicated person with everything I do in my life. So far, I've honestly turned every couch potato to a passionate runner. Other than that, it’s definitely the knowledge and experience that helps others. There is nothing like having someone by your side who has experience and is able to share it with you.
For your running coaching, do you lead classes, workshops or one-on-one training? How can people get more information?
For now, I am available for online coaching and personal coaching right here in NYC. Lately, I have been getting more and more requests from my followers who want to meet up and run in a group with me, so I will start doing that very soon.