NYC Marathon Tips From a Veteran New York Marathoner
Everyone has a thing. Mine is the New York City Marathon. I ran it for the first time in 1996, and this year will be my 24th time running it.
Running Central Park: Tips from a Local
Of all the runs in New York City, Central Park is the most iconic.
Central Park Running Map and Routes
If you’re looking for a Central Park running map, I am sharing my maps of the best Central Park running routes.
Best NYC Marathon Tips for Runners + Spectators
I’ve run over 20 NYC Marathons. Here are my top NYC Marathon tips for runners and spectators.
Get Faster with NYC Run Coach Iman Smith
For this Coach’s Corner interview, Runstreet founder Marnie Kunz sits down with NYC running coach Iman Smith, also known as @soswanky on Instagram.
NYC Shakeout Art Run with Whole Foods Market & Clif Bar
Runstreet was psyched to be a part of the NYC Marathon weekend thrills, with a Shakeout Art Run on the Lower East Side, hosted by Whole Foods Market Bowery location and co-sponsored by Clif Bar.
Global Running Spotlight: Sabrina Wieser, NYC Running Coach
So far, I've honestly turned every couch potato to a passionate runner.
Announcing the Soho Art Run Photo Contest Winners!
Thank you to everyone who came out for one of our biggest Runstreet street art runs yet - the SoHo Art Run! We raised money to support Back on My Feet NYC, saw amazon art and had a blast!