Best NYC Marathon Tips for Runners + Spectators
Erica at a Runstreet NYC Marathon Shakeout Art Run. Photos by Marques Jackson Photography.
By Erica Agran
This year, I’ll line up with 50,000+ people for the NYC Marathon. I’ve run over 50 marathons, including the NYC Marathon more than 20 times. Previously, it was an awesome return after the pandemic, but I'm excited to run with a full field including all of the international runners and fans. I didn't realize how much I missed them until they were absent from the Chicago Marathon.
NYC Marathon Tips for Runners
Erica (in the NYC shirt) has run over 50 marathons including the NYC Marathon over 20 times.
As a longtime NYC Marathon runner, I wanted to share my top tips for running the marathon and for spectating. Here are my top 5 NYC Marathon tips and top 5 tips for NYC Marathon spectators:
1. Don’t Start Too Fast!
The excitement of the NYC marathon is unparalleled. The first mile is uphill. The race is crowded. Don’t waste energy weaving the first two miles.
Getting “stuck” can actually help to slow you down and better pace yourself. Try not to get caught up in the excitement and start too fast. Just relax and save the energy for later in the race.
One caveat: the second mile has a steep downhill so check-in when you come off of the bridge and settle into your pace.
2. Enjoy the Crowd
NYC has great fans! Take in the positive energy, give high fives, read the signs. Say thank you to fans and volunteers. The city is with you and they will show you their support. They’re all rooting for you!
3. Know where your supporters are going to be – EXACTLY!
It’s crowded out there. Know which mile/cross street/side of the street your fans are going to be on. Consider transit stops for which side of the street – as it can be tough to cross the course.
4. Remember to smile.
Science shows that smiling makes us feel better. My anecdotal evidence tells me that when I smile, I get more crowd support. Either way, it’s a win-win. Smile! You made it to race day and your body can run a marathon!
5. Take it all in and remember it’s supposed to be fun!
Check out all of the neighborhoods and groups. Read the signs. A wise friend once asked me after a race, “did someone pay you to be here today?” As it occurred to me that I pay my hard-earned money for marathons, it’s supposed to be fun!
Want to see a ton more NYC Marathon-specific tips? Check out my other NYC Marathon tips for even more pointers.
Top 5 Marathon Spectator Tips
1. Plan your spots and tell your runners where you’ll be.
Don’t forget this is a huge race, so it’s important to tell them (and to know) where and what side of the street you’ll be on. It’s hard to cross the race so look at the map to see which side you’ll be on. Pick landmarks or cross streets and look at the course to tell your runner which mile marker you’ll be near. Here’s a link to the NYC Marathon course map.
2. Know your runner’s number.
You can track your runner if you know his/her number. It can take 10 – 20 minutes for runners to cross the start line in some cases. If you track, you can better estimate when he or she will get to you. Do keep in mind that with so many runners, the alerts may be delayed, so keep an eye out around the expected pace. (Don’t forget to ask the expected pace!)
3. Know what your runner(s) are wearing.
There are a lot of runners coming at you, so you must know what to look for. Tell them what you’re wearing, too, so they can look for you. Even better, take a tip from my friend Carolyn’s book and carry a big helium balloon. I always see her from far away. She tells me what character she gets via text on race morning. Usually, it’s Tweety Bird!
4. Cheer for everyone.
Bring a cowbell if you want to save your hands. Call out names/teams, tell people they look great and that can do it. (A caveat from my friend Jason, “never tell a walking runner he/she “looks good.” Shout other encouragement like “you can do it!” instead!). You can also bring signs to cheer on your friends and family or funny signs to give all the runners a boost in morale. (The ‘You’re Faster than the R Train’ signs never get old!).
5. Unless you are near the finish, NEVER say “you're almost there.”
In my mind, that means .5 miles or less is “almost there.” Even better, only yell this if you can actually see the finish line. When someone yells this at Mile 10, or even 20, I want to punch them and hurl myself off of a bridge. Got that one? Good. It’s really important. I’ve seen a sign at mile 20 that said, “You are NOT almost there.” That made me chuckle and it was very true.
Did I miss anything? Tag @Runstreet on Instagram to share your top tips.
Good luck to all of the runners! Start slow and finish strong. Enjoy every step!
Need a marathon training plan to crush your next race? Head to the Runstreet Training Center to get started.
Related Post: NYC Marathon Tips from a 19-Time NYC Marathon Runner, NYC Marathon Tips Video, Central Park Running Guide, Marathon Training Guide for All Levels
Erica Agran is the blogger behind Erica Finds. She’s an avid runner, traveler, and healthy “finder” living in Chicago. She’s run over 50 marathons and over 20 NYC Marathons. Check out her Instagram (@EricaAgran) for running inspiration, the best new healthy products, and great views from her window.