NYC Marathon Tips From a Veteran New York Marathoner
Everyone has a thing. Mine is the New York City Marathon. I ran it for the first time in 1996, and this year will be my 24th time running it.
Best NYC Street Art Spots to See
Whether you’re visiting NYC or live in the city and want to see something new on your run, you’re in luck because NYC street art is incredible!
Running Central Park: Tips from a Local
Of all the runs in New York City, Central Park is the most iconic.
25 Best Parks in NYC to Enjoy the Outdoors
The best parks in NYC offer beautiful views and space to enjoy the outdoors.
25 Best Places to Run in NYC
I’ve been running around New York City since 2012, and these are my picks for the 25 best places to run in NYC.
What Is Urban Hiking and How to Get Started
If you live in a city or are visiting one, urban hiking is a great way to explore the area while getting in a workout.
Central Park Running Map and Routes
If you’re looking for a Central Park running map, I am sharing my maps of the best Central Park running routes.
Announcing Haunted Brooklyn 5K Run & Walk: Spirit Animals
Runstreet is excited to partner with Bklyn Treks for the Haunted Brooklyn 5K Run and Walk to celebrate Halloween, our favorite holiday!
Best Small Businesses in NYC: The Rundown
As Small Business Saturday rolls around, I wanted to offer recommendations of some of the best small businesses in NYC, many of them women-owned and black-owned businesses.
Covid Comic: Running in Quarantine
Covid Comic: Running in Quarantine is written by Marnie Kunz and illustrated by Alisa Harvey, a multidisciplinary designer living in Brooklyn.
Chelsea Street Art: Protest Signs of the Times
A run around NYC to see Chelsea street art led me to blocks of Black Lives Matter protest art along 7th Avenue between 27th and 28 streets in Manhattan.
UN75 Mural Project Kicks off with Stunning Wall in NYC
In honor of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, this is the first mural of the global UN75 Murals series.
10 Tips for Self-Care, Mental Health During Coronavirus
As millions of us are suddenly at home to work or care for kids, and news alerts about coronavirus cases doubling over night come in, it is hard not to feel anxious.
Artist JR Creates "Chronicles of New York City" Mural at Domino Park
A massive new mural by artist JR has gone up at Domino Park in Brooklyn.
5 Scenic NYC Running Routes
After living and running all over NYC, I’ve had my fair share of amazing running route discoveries. Here is my list of the 5 best NYC running routes:
Finding Murals in Midtown with Affinia Hotels & Artist Rubin
We enjoyed finding murals in Midtown Manhattan for a special Art Run event.
Best Street Art in NYC To Run By: Welling Court Mural Project
As I jogged along and the gray, concrete paths suddenly opened up into bright colors and graphics, I felt like I stumbled upon a secret world, my own outdoor museum.
Street Art Profiles: Ida Noelle
“I like the idea of using art as a tool to inspire something positive in an individual or a community.”
Brooklyn Murals Spread Mental Health Awareness
Mental health discussions come to the light thanks to a new mural campaign that has sprung up in Brooklyn called You Are Not Alone. In honor of Mental Health month, prominent street artists have lent their brushes to the cause.
Get Faster with NYC Run Coach Iman Smith
For this Coach’s Corner interview, Runstreet founder Marnie Kunz sits down with NYC running coach Iman Smith, also known as @soswanky on Instagram.