15 Healthy Holiday Traditions to Try
Photos by Marques Jackson Photography.
By Marnie Kunz, NASM-certified trainer, USATF-, RRCA-certified running coach
If you’re sick of the sugar, booze, and spending that the holidays bring, try these healthy holiday traditions to celebrate the season. Traditional holiday celebrations can bring too much stress, pressure, and unhealthy habits. But the good news is you can update your holidays and add in some of these healthy holiday traditions to stay on track with your physical health and emotional health. Whether you’re celebrating with family, friends, pets, or roommates, you can try these ideas with those you care about and enjoy some healthy, fun festivities this time of year. You may even find a few favorites that become new traditions for you.
Banish Holiday Stress
It’s no secret that the holidays bring stress, with family pressures, travel, social events, unhealthy eating traditions, and rampant consumerism. According to a study of 2,000 Americans, 88 percent feel stressed when celebrating the holidays. People commonly feel negative emotions like irritability and sadness during the holidays, according to the American Psychological Association.
By incorporating some of these healthy holiday traditions into your holiday festivities, you can replace or at least balance out some of the unhealthy habits that the holidays bring. Whether you want to join in a turkey trot or start a new healthy food tradition like baking healthy snacks, these ideas offer inspiration for everyone. And don't forget to add your own ideas to personalize your experience.
Healthy Holiday Traditions for Your Body
Getting in regular physical activity can be a challenge during the holidays. With irregular schedules, holiday travels (see more tips for healthy travel here), and cold, dark weather, it’s not easy to stick to a fitness program. These healthy holiday traditions can help you increase your activity level while still enjoying the season.
Go for a walk together after holiday meals. This is one of the healthy habits that you can enjoy with your loved ones while getting in some physical activity. Your heart will be happy and you can burn off extra holiday treats.
Walk by holiday light displays. Instead of driving by holiday lights in your neighborhood, check out Christmas decorations on foot in December. Bundle up and enjoy a walk through winter wonderland light displays to celebrate the season. Your step count and your soul will be soaring.
Do a turkey trot, jingle jog, or other holiday-themed run. If you’re a runner, it’s the perfect time to enjoy some fun runs and get festive. Pick a nearby holiday race and bring your merry self for a healthy jaunt with your local running community.
Go for a solo run. Whether you’re overwhelmed by holiday social gatherings or need to keep your base fitness level, going for a solo run is the perfect mood boost and workout. Enjoy a relaxed pace base run and don’t worry about your time.
Healthy Eating Traditions
The holidays are usually synonymous with sweets, fats, and processed foods for many people. You don’t have to restrict yourself from having a little of your favorite dishes but try these healthy holiday traditions for food to add more healthy fare to your gatherings.
Have a healthy potluck. Try a new holiday tradition and invite friends and family to a healthy potluck where everyone brings healthy versions of their favorite holiday foods. Healthy options are unlimited. You can get creative and have a theme like everyone has to use at least one fresh fruit or vegetable in their dish, or let people come up with their own healthy recipes.
Bake healthy treats. Find ways to make your favorite holiday recipes healthier by adding more fresh fruits or veggies or substituting healthier ingredients like olive oil for butter or margarine. Make traditional foods healthier with some simple additions or substitutions. Have fresh fruits for desserts or mixed nuts for a boost of nutrients. Check out our healthy recipes section for inspo. Try our recipes for healthy avocado chocolate mousse, protein chocolate chip cookies, and easy hummus.
Make mocktails. Alcohol is full of empty calories and sugar, and can even be downright dangerous in excess. Substitute your regular drink list with some fun mocktail recipes and enjoy waking up hangover-free.
Healthy Traditions for Your Mind
If you’re feeling stressed or down this holiday season, you’re not alone. Many people get the blues during the holidays (find out more and get tips in our article on winter blues and SAD). These healthy holiday traditions will help boost your mood and combat stress this season.
Play games. Engage with your friends and family members IRL and enjoy some old-school board games or other games like cards. Everyone can bring their favorite game and make it a game night to remember.
Tell stories. The art of storytelling may feel old-fashioned but it is timeless because it’s one of the best ways to connect with people. Enjoy funny family stories or reminisce with friends about holidays past and you’ll have a new holiday to remember.
Decorate for the holidays. Put on some holiday tunes and add cheer to your home with holiday decor. Whether you’re putting up your Christmas tree and hanging ornaments or getting out the Hanukkah menorah, you’ll enjoy a mood lift from the festive decor.
Have a holiday movie fest. Settle in for a cozy night of uplifting holiday movies and homemade popcorn. You can make it a family affair or watch movies with friends or a pet. With so many funny, cheesy, and inspiring holiday movies to choose from, you’ll have endless options for a festive winter night.
Curl up with a good book. Speaking of cozy, the holidays are the perfect time to break out that new book you’ve been wanting to read. De-stress from all the holiday chaos and enter another realm with a great book. Need inspo? Check out my picks for the Best Running Books to Get Inspired.
See friends. Have a Friendsgiving celebration, or meet up with your best bud for coffee, lunch, or a walk and catch up. Nothing boosts the mood more than a good friend.
Volunteer. Last but certainly not least, give back to a cause you care about this season. Take a break from all the commercialism of the holidays and volunteer for others. Serve food, donate toys, walk dogs at a shelter, or do something else to contribute to your community.
Have you tried any of these healthy holiday traditions? Follow and tag @Runstreet on Instagram to share your healthy traditions. I hope you find these ideas helpful and enjoy a healthy, meaningful holiday season. Be well, Wolf Pack, and happy holidays to you and your loved ones.😊🫶
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Marnie Kunz is a NASM-certified personal trainer and USATF- and RRCA-certified running coach based in Brooklyn, NY. Marnie likes helping people get and stay active to enjoy a better quality of life. When she’s not doing fitness things, Marnie enjoys exploring with her dog, a mischievous rescue Akita.