Why I Won’t Stop Running Alone (And Why You Shouldn’t Either)
To me, running alone brings peace and freedom, a chance to go where I want when I want and however fast (or slow) I want.
10 Best Running Safety Tips From a NYC Run Coach
These running safety tips will help you stay running strong wherever you live.
Running at Night: Benefits + 12 Tips from a Run Coach
These are my top tips to help you stay safe and motivated on nighttime runs.
Running in Bad Air Quality: When Is It Safe to Run?
Does running in bad air quality hurt your health? If you have an air quality alert in your area, you may be wondering if it’s ok to run.
10 Tips to Run Safely During Coronavirus
As the world is shutting down, running is keeping us healthy, sane, and motivated. Here’s how to run safely in the times of coronavirus:
Light Up the Night Run on Fox5 NY News
The Light Up the Night Run brought together many runners from across NYC to highlight the need for better lighting in our city's parks.