Light Up the Night Run on Fox5 NY News
Runstreet was honored to co-organize the Light Up the Night Run, with Kathy Ioannou of RAVE Run and Alison Desir of Harlem Run, on Sunday, November 13, 2016. Our run brought together over 150 runners from many different NYC running crews - including Harlem Run, RAVE Run, Latinas in Motion, Girls Run NYC, Frontrunners New York, Dashing Whippets, and Lole NYC.
The Light Up the Night Run united runners from across NYC to highlight the need for better lighting in our city's parks. With some recent attacks on women runners, and early sunsets, many runners feel unsafe running in parks such as Central Park during the evening. Our run brought attention to this issue as we came together to run the night with light-up bracelets, making sure each and every runner felt safe.
Light Up the Night Run organizers Alison Desir, Marnie Kunz and Kathy Ioannou brought their crews together in a run to call attention to the need for better lighting in NYC parks.
Thank you to Equinox for sponsoring us with the light up bracelets, JackRabbit for the bag drop and to Fox 5 NY news for coming out to help us raise awareness of this issue. Check out the news coverage. Huge thanks to all the runners who came out in a show of unity to bring safer running conditions to our NYC parks!
Check out Runstreet events for more upcoming events and future runs unifying the NYC run crews.