NYC Street Art with Heart: Murals for Good
As an NYC street art lover, I was very happy to stumble across Murals for Good on Instagram recently.
STL Street Artist Jayvn Solomon Reimagines City
St. Louis street artist Jayvn Solomon paints a beautiful vision of a colorful, eco-friendly city.
NYC Graffiti Wall at Bowery: New Mural by Raul Ayala
If you are around Lower Manhattan, you cannot miss the eye-catching vivid new NYC graffiti wall at Houston Street between Bowery and Elizabeth streets.
UN75 Mural Project Kicks off with Stunning Wall in NYC
In honor of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, this is the first mural of the global UN75 Murals series.
St. Louis Street Art Protests Racial Inequality
St. Louis street art protests for racial equality with Black Lives Matter art around the city.
Find Art For Your Runs with Murals and Street Art (MASA) App
The Murals and Street Art (MASA) app, created by Chicago Art Runner and tech whiz Austin Hutchinson, is the perfect way to do your own Art Run and join us on a Virtual Art Run!
UN Mural Project Illuminates Midtown Manhattan
Midtown is more than corporate suits and concrete thanks to a plethora of street art that has popped up in the neighborhood.
Street Art Profiles: Ida Noelle
“I like the idea of using art as a tool to inspire something positive in an individual or a community.”
Street Art Profiles: Bianca Romero
NYC artist and curator Bianca Romero explores themes of identity, place, and culture in her art, which ranges from epic murals to fine art collages.
Art Runner Spotlight: Melissa Killion
"I have always had a great love for art. I went on my first run with Runstreet in 2015 and fell in love with the raw beauty of street art. I have a great love for running and combined with seeing so much art in the city is a perfect day to me!