51 Self-Care Sunday Ideas to Recharge Body and Mind
Self-care Sunday is a time to regroup and unwind from the week. Photo of Marnie and Kiyoshi by Marques Jackson Photography.
By Marnie Kunz
Whether you need a respite from daily life or a complete reset, I hope my self-care Sunday ideas inspire you to take good care of yourself. With the constant bombardment of tech notifications, social media, and an endless news cycle, it’s more important than ever to take some time to slow down, unwind and unplug. These self-care Sunday ideas will help you take a mental health break and rejuvenate your body and mind.
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What is Self-Care Sunday?
First of all, you may be wondering what is self-care Sunday? Self-care Sunday is the idea of taking one day a week — on Sundays — to dedicate to taking care of yourself. It can be as brief as a 10-minute meditation or morning coffee watching the sunrise, or as involved as taking a whole day to get away and go hiking.
The concept behind self-care Sunday is that we all need to make time to decompress regularly. By setting that time on Sunday, it is easy to remember and doable for most people’s schedules. That said, if another day works better for you to unwind, go with that day. The key is to consistently have at least one day a week with some time to care for yourself.
Benefits of Self-Care Sunday
With the rising rates of stress and stress-related disorders in America, self-care Sunday offers a much-needed antidote.
Cook yourself a healthy meal for self-care Sunday.
Long-term stress increases the risk of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, as well as contributes to sleep problems, pains in the body, and emotional exhaustion. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults aged 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population.
Taking time for self-care Sunday helps combat the effects of stress in your daily life. In addition, learning new self-care habits can help you lower your stress levels throughout the rest of the week. You also may find some healthy habits you love so much that you take them with you into other days of the week. For instance, if you start meditating on self-care Sunday, you might begin meditating the rest of the week as well, which will multiply your positive rewards.
Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, and improve energy, according to Southern New Hampshire University. The university also notes that self-care has been clinically proven to reduce heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
Here are some of the benefits that self-care Sunday can provide:
Check out art and unwind. Bonus - bring your pet!
Improves sleep
Gives the body rest
Improves focus and mental clarity
Reduces physical and mental effects of stress
Boosts mood
Reduces burnout
Promotes feelings of well-being
How to Practice Self-Care Sunday
The great thing about self-care Sunday is it looks different for everyone. You may be able to set aside just 15 minutes a week for your self-care Sunday, but dedicate one whole Sunday a month. Or you may be able to take the whole day every Sunday for self-care. The point of self-care Sunday is to de-stress, so try to be flexible and go with what you have time and energy for each week. Recognize that life is always in motion and changing, so one week’s perfect self-care Sunday may be completely different than another week, and that is ok.
When it comes to self-care Sunday practices, try out different self-care rituals to find the ones you like best. As with your schedule, be flexible and open, and adapt or change your self-care practices as you see fit. The key is to do what resonates well with you each Sunday.
My Self-Care Sundays
I started doing self-care Sundays during the tumultuous year of 2020. What I do on self-care Sundays has changed a lot over the years, but the end results have been the same — peace of mind, and starting the week refreshed. As someone who struggles with anxiety at times, self-care is something that was pretty new to me, and it has helped me to prevent high levels of anxiety from building up, which reduces the frequency of panic attacks.
Get fresh food at your local farmer’s market to enjoy on self-care Sunday.
Starting out with self-care Sundays, I did a lot of beauty rituals, such as painting my nails and applying face masks. Then during the pandemic, I got really into online classes and would run, read, and take classes on Sundays. In the summer of 2020, I got my dog, Kiyoshi. Since we both love the outdoors, my self-care Sundays adapted to include hikes with Kiyoshi and sometimes running with her. I also went through a phase of taking long walks while listening to true crime podcasts and then a bookworm period of reading lots of books. Now, I enjoy going to local farmer’s markets on Sunday mornings, taking Kiyoshi to the park, cleaning the floors while listening to podcasts (does anyone else find it soothing to Swiffer?), and writing. If I am lucky, I also get to read a good book. As a trainer who loves to stay active, I also find self-care in activities like lifting weights, making smoothies, creating easy, fresh meals with farmer’s market finds, and making big breakfasts like protein pancakes and smoked salmon omelettes.
The beauty of self-care Sundays is you can do whatever makes you feel good. What may be a chore to one person can be soothing and meditative to another. So keep this in mind, and use these self-care ideas to get you started with creating your own self-care Sunday routine:
Get outside for self-care Sunday.
51 Self-Care Sunday Ideas
1. Lounge in bed. There is nothing better than waking up and not having to be anywhere or do anything. Embrace the Sunday moment and lounge in bed. You can even eat breakfast in bed, read a book, or watch a movie, and make a day of it.
2. Cook yourself breakfast. Many of us have busy mornings during the week, but Sundays are a great time to slow down and actually cook breakfast and enjoy it. For a healthy breakfast idea, check out my Smoked Salmon Spinach Omelette recipe.
3. Dance. Movement feeds the body, mind, and soul. Turn on a playlist of your fave dance music, and have a solo dance party in your living room. Got company? The more the merrier when it comes to dancing.
4. Read a book. Reading is such a wonderful mental escape and a break from the daily routine of life. Read a new book you’ve been wanting to check out, or check out the latest from your favorite author. Another benefit of reading is that you can do it free, with libraries now offering ebooks as well as physical books to borrow. Need reading suggestions? Check out my list of Best Running Books to Get Inspired.
5. See a friend. Put your phone down and catch up with a friend IRL and you’ll remember how therapeutic and fun friendship is.
6. Go outside. Mother Nature is a great healer, so go get some healing vibes outside. Nature improves our mental health and boosts mood, lowers stress, and improves cognitive functioning, according to the American Psychological Association. Take a walk in the park, go for a trail run, or chill in your yard for a slice of peace.
7. Move your body. Exercise improves mood and releases feel-good hormones while also offering physical fitness benefits. Choose a movement you enjoy and go for it. If you’re not sure what to do, go for a walk and listen to your favorite podcast, audiobook, or music.
8. Make yourself a fresh smoothie. For a refreshing self-care pick-me-up, make a fresh smoothie with your favorite fruits. I like to make peanut butter banana protein smoothies or tropical fruit smoothies. Check out our Tropical Immunity Boost Smoothie Recipe and Strawberry Beat Smoothie Recipe for inspiration.
9. Play with your pet. Pets are such great stress relievers and they are the masters of enjoying the moment. According to the National Institutes of Health, pets help lower their humans’ levels of the stress hormone cortisol, lower blood pressure, boost mood, and reduce feelings of loneliness in their people. So go ahead and play fetch with your dog, pet your rabbit, or scratch your cat’s ears.
10. Paint your nails. Sometimes all it takes is one simple act of self-care to start feeling taken care of and more positive about life. Try out a new nail color or pop open your favorite one and paint your nails. I love trying out new colors of polish for a pick-me-up and burst of color, especially during dreary weather.
11. Put on a face mask. Apply an invigorating mask to your face for a skincare boost and some r & r time. Check out our article on Skincare Tips for Runners for more self-care ideas for your skin.
12. Enjoy a spa day at home. Speaking of skincare, why not indulge in a spa day at home? Get out your manicure supplies, foot and hand masks, face masks, and a soothing soundtrack, and create your own spa day. You can go as simple or as elaborate as you’d like, with options like candles, creams, special baths, and more.
13. Make art. You don’t have to be Basquiat to enjoy making art. Break out your paints, grab some markers, or try your hand at pottery. Let yourself get lost in the creation process and you’ll feel the stress melt away.
14. Write. Take some time to write. It can be anything you want to write about. Write in a journal, write a poem, or work on that novel you’ve been wanting to write. Writing is an empowering self-care practice that helps you learn more about yourself.
15. Take a hike. Get outside and enjoy a nature hike or an urban hike in a city park. Bring your furry friend for an extra mood boost. Pack snacks, water, and lunch to make a day of it.
16. Go to a museum. Check out a new art exhibit, visit your favorite museum or go to a museum you haven’t seen yet. In NYC, I love getting lost in art at the Brooklyn Museum, MOMA, and the Whitney Museum. Perusing the exhibits feeds your imagination and soul.
17. Take photos. You don’t have to be a photographer or buy expensive equipment to enjoy taking photos. Wander your city to see it from a fresh perspective with your camera (or phone camera). You’ll come to appreciate the world around you from different perspectives and may even get some great shots to keep as a memento of your day.
18. Draw. Grab a pencil and do some sketching. Draw whatever suits your fancy. You can doodle, draw people or animals, or a whole scene. You’ll feel the week’s stress melting away as you focus on your creation.
19. Bake something. Pull out your recipes or find a new one and bake something tasty. Baking is a good way to slow down and focus on the moment. Share your baked masterpiece or enjoy it all by yourself.
20. Cook yourself a healthy meal. As with baking, cooking can be meditative. Cooking a healthy meal is an ideal self-care Sunday ritual because you are literally feeding your body and improving your health with nutritious foods while enjoying some time with yourself.
14. Go to your favorite restaurant. Take a break and bring yourself to your favorite local restaurant. Order your go-to meal or try a new one and dine in or take out. Bon appetite!
15. Book a spa day. If you want to get out but still get some rejuvenation time, go to a local spa. Relax with a massage, facial or other services. You’ll emerge feeling like a new person.
16. Get a manicure and pedicure. If you’re not in the mood to paint your own nails, treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure at a nail salon. Try a new color or design for a break from your usual palettes.
17. Meditate. Take a few minutes to slow down and breathe deeply. You can use a mediation app if you want to do a guided meditation. I like using the free Healthy Minds app for short daily meditations.
18. Listen to your favorite podcast. If you enjoy podcasts, curl up and relax while listening to your favorite one. I admit I’m a podcast junkie. I made a list of the most inspiring podcasts to check out if you are looking for ideas on what podcasts to listen to.
19. Plant something. Go outside and garden or plant some greenery in your apartment or home. Working with dirt and plants is very soothing, and it will brighten up your space and improve the air quality.
20. Listen to music you love. Turn on your fave playlist and enjoy your own personalized concert. Sing, dance, and enjoy the music.
21. Take your dog for a walk. Dogs are great at living in the moment, and your dog’s enthusiasm will be contagious. Enjoy the bonding time and break from the daily grind while getting in some movement.
22. Do a foot mask. Foot masks are great for people who work on their feet all day or who run a lot. You can scoop up some inexpensive foot masks online or at your local beauty store.
23. Color. Adult coloring is all the rage, and for good reason — it’s calming, fun, and a peaceful way to unwind. Find a coloring book or create your own drawing and enjoy coloring it in.
24. Play a game. Break out the old-school games and enjoy a round of cards or a board game. Who needs a phone for entertainment when you can play IRL.
25. Take a bath. This is one of my favorites and a bonus for sore runners’ legs is muscle relaxation. Create a calming experience and light candles, put on some soothing sounds, and add relaxing scents like lavender to the room.
26. Take a nap. Napping is one of the best ways to unwind and fully reset your body and mind. Make sure your space is quiet and dark and let yourself float off into dreamland.
27. Cuddle. Harness the therapeutic power of touch and cuddle with someone, or with your pet. The power of touch boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure, and decreases the level of stress hormones such as cortisol. So get your cuddle on and enjoy.
28. Get a facial. If you’re tired of DIY beauty routines, treat yourself to a professional facial. If you live in NYC, check out Sacred Skincare (my top skincare place in Manhattan) and get 15% off your first service with promo code RUNSTREET (enter in the appointment notes).
29. Make a collage. Chill out with some tunes and old magazines and print materials and make a collage. Cut out things that speak to you and put it all together in a collage statement. As with other creative endeavors, you’ll find stress relief and a sense of creative fulfillment throughout the process.
30. Make a vision board. Take your collage a step further and make a vision board. A vision board is a visual representation of your goals. It can be as informal as images and symbols you are drawn to or as complex as having vision boards for different areas of your life — fitness, career, travel, etc.
31. Get a haircut. Simple beauty and grooming rituals can be very therapeutic ways to practice self-care. Get a haircut and enjoy the full experience, including having your hair washed and styled. You will feel revived afterward.
32. Create a nostalgic playlist. Music can evoke strong emotions and bring back happy memories. Create a themed playlist from a time in your life you loved. Some ideas: ‘90s hip hop, ‘90s rock, 2000s dance tunes, etc. Let your memory be your guide.
33. Sew. Knitting or sewing is a relaxing hobby for many people. Try a new project or take a beginner’s lesson and see what you feel like stitching together.
34. Climb. Rock climbing adds an adventurous twist to self-care Sunday. Check out a local rock climbing gym to get started, or go on a rocky hike with climbing options.
35. Run. This should really be first on the list, but I may be biased. Going for a run improves your mood and reduces stress and is great for your physical and mental health.
36. Lift weights. This is also one of my favorites. Lift some weights and enjoy the adrenaline rush and stress-busting sweat session. Add your favorite playlist to really pump up your mood.
37. Visit a farmer’s market. Farmer’s markets are full of all the good things — fresh, healthy food, outdoor time, and meeting people in your community. If you live in NYC, check out the many farmers’ markets offered by GrowNYC.
38. Call a close friend or family member. If you can’t see loved ones in person, calling is the next best thing. Do a video call and catch up with your favorite people around the world.
39. Take a day trip someplace you’ve never been. Plan a day-long getaway to a nearby town or city and enjoy the change of scenery. Try the local food, go for a hike or urban walk, and check out local landmarks.
40. Check out a new art exhibit. Go to a local museum or gallery to see a new art exhibit.
41. Organize your closet. I know this is not many people’s idea of fun, but hear me out. Organizing your closet can be relaxing and help you declutter, which will take some stress off your shoulders. Try the KonMari Method for guidance if you need to get rid of clutter. Donate your unwanted clothes.
42. Watch an inspiring movie or show. Tune in to an uplifting movie or show and get inspired. The key is to find something positive that will make you feel good.
42. Light candles. Set a chill backdrop for your self-care Sunday by lighting candles. Use pleasantly scented candles you love that fit with the season. Some of my fave scents are vanilla, apple cinnamon, and lavender.
42. Take a phone break. Unplug from your phone for an hour or for the day. You will be amazed at how much less stressed and more clear-headed you feel after the phone break.
43. Take a social media break. Sometimes it’s not possible to detach completely from our phones, but we can take a break from social media. Take the day to regroup and enjoy a break from social media by avoiding all your social channels. Sunday is a perfect day for this as it’s usually a slow social media day anyway.
44. Find street art. One of my favorite ways to enjoy art and get outside and exercise is walking or running to see murals. Check out your city’s local street art projects. If you’re in NYC, check out my article on where to find the best street art in NYC.
45. Take yourself on a date. Dress up and take yourself on a nice date. Go to see that new museum exhibit, or try out a new restaurant or cuisine. Do something you’ve been wanting to try and enjoy yourself. You deserve it!
46. Explore your neighborhood. Check out a new business or take a walk in your neighborhood and explore. You’ll probably find things in your neighborhood you didn’t even know existed and may get to know some of your neighbors better.
47. Decorate. Adding some new color or redecorating your space is a great pick-me-up. If you are into sustainable living or want to save money, check out thrift stores for unique secondhand furniture and decor.
48. Go to a festival. Attend a local street fair or festival and enjoy the local food and artisans. If you’re in NYC, check out one of the many summer street festivals as well as options like Brooklyn Flea, Artists & Fleas, and Grand Bazaar NYC.
49. Attend an art fair. Take in some local art and go to an art festival. Let your imagination play as you check out the original artworks and photography and learn the stories behind them by talking to the artists.
50. Try a hair mask. A hair mask is a DIY haircare ritual that will help you unwind and practice self-care. Try a hair mask from Amazon or your local beauty store.
51. Do nothing. Sometimes the best thing to do, when life is packed with schedules, to-do lists, and notifications, is to take a break from it all and simply do nothing. Do not be productive, resist the urge to make lists or plans. Just do nothing and be.
I hope these self-care Sunday ideas inspire you to take some time for yourself when Sunday rolls around. Let me know if you try any of them. What are your favorite self-care Sunday practices? Comment below.
Take care, Wolf Pack, and be well. 😊
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Marnie Kunz is a NASM-certified trainer and USATF- and RRCA-certified running coach based in Brooklyn, a dog lover and Akita mom, and the founder of Runstreet.