Running for Charity: 10 Fundraising Tips and Ideas
As a charity runner and event planner for Runstreet, I’ve raised money for many non-profits through running. I’m compiling my top tips to help you.
Outrun Homelessness: Running NYC Half Marathon for Back on My Feet NYC
I am running the United Airlines NYC Half Marathon in support of Back on My Feet NYC. As someone who has experienced the stress and pain of having no place to live in NYC, outrunning homelessness is a cause that is close to my heart.
NYC Marathon Stories: Rob Gilroy
"Being a part of Back on My Feet has given me things and shown me things that transcend running. It has provided me with a new appreciation for battling adversity and introduced me to some wonderful people. Aside from that, I think New York is the greatest running city in the world."
Global Running Project: Margaret Kurtz
As we runners know, running offers so much more than a workout or race goal - its power to build confidence, connection and community extend far beyond just the miles and sweat. Margaret Kurtz helps spread this amazing power of running through her involvement with Back on My Feet NYC.