Beyond the Scale: A Trainer Redefines Women’s Fitness
For many women, we grow up trying to poke, prod, and tighten our bodies to fit a narrow definition of beauty and “fitness.”
Body Neutrality and Navigating a Bigger Body in the Gym
After a combination of life events, I’ve found myself in a bigger body and downright scared to walk into the fitness class.
Thick Thighs, Muscles and How Running Improved My Body Image
So many guys would comment on my "big" legs that I used to shudder at the thought of wearing anything that drew attention to my muscular legs.
Lose Quarantine Weight with These 12 Tips
Lose quarantine weight with these fitness tips for runners.
Body Image, Self-Empowerment & Running without Headphones
On my run sans headphones, with my eyes, not my ears, as my most engaged sense, I saw the whole thing.
Loving Your Body While Working On It
Something that has helped me navigate the sometimes murky waters of following fitness personalities on social media is to remember we all have a unique construction and are at different stages in our fitness journey.