Holiday Self-Care Tips to Boost Your Mood


By Marnie Kunz, NASM-certified trainer, USATF-, RRCA-certified running coach

These holiday self-care tips will help you unwind and improve your mood this season. If you find yourself in a slump this time of year, you’re not alone. With the short daylight hours, family issues, cold weather, and financial pressures of the holiday season, it can be a very stressful time for many people. These holiday self-care strategies can help you preserve your peace of mind this season and slow down to take care of yourself.

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Note, these self-care tips can help relieve some of the anxiety and low moods that hit around the holidays, but if you find yourself struggling with depression or anxiety that won’t go away or holiday stress that overwhelms you, find a licensed mental health professional for help. If you’re struggling with winter blues or seasonal depression, check out our article on How to Beat Winter Blues and Understand SAD. As someone with anxiety, I understand the importance of mental health care and also listening to your body. So slow down and take some time for yourself to get an idea of what strategies will help you the most - this season and always.

Mental Health During the Holidays


Many people feel down during the holidays, according to researchers. According to a survey of 2,100 Americans, 55% of Americans are experiencing sadness and loneliness during the holidays. Among those surveyed, Gen Z reported the highest rates of loneliness and depression.

The holidays often bring more time with people we may normally be able to avoid, as well as financial pressures to buy gifts, and it’s easy to get caught up in the comparison trap and think everyone else’s families are more “normal” or happy. To top it off, many people struggle with intense emotions during the holiday season.

De-stress from these situations and focus on taking care of yourself with these holiday self-care tips. Try one or try them all if you need an extra boost of serenity. I bet you’ll be feeling much more relaxed - and maybe even spreading holiday cheer - after adding some self-care to your routine.

Holiday Self-Care Strategies

Schedule your own time.

It’s a busy time of year and if you don’t set aside time to take care of yourself, it’s easy to skip workouts and forego resting, sleep, and even meals. Schedule your workouts, and “me” time and you’ll feel much more able to handle the holiday stresses.

Set Boundaries.

The holidays bring many expectations, and if you don’t set boundaries, you can easily end up running around doing a million things for everyone else with no time for you. Set boundaries around your basic needs like rest, food, movement, and time to unwind for yourself. If someone asks you to do something that’s too time-consuming or draining, set a limit upfront about how long you can spend, or simply say no if you don’t want to do it.

Say No.

Going along with setting boundaries, say no when you don’t want to do something. If people ask you to help with things or events you don’t want to be a part of, say no. You can be polite and firm and say “no, thank you, I can’t make it.” Sometimes it’s the person, not the situation that makes us want to recoil. If someone only brings you down or triggers the worst in you, avoid that person as much as you can. You don’t have to make elaborate excuses, just be direct and polite. If people do not respect that, it is their problem.


Spending time with pets is a great stress relief.

Give Yourself a Break.

Schedule at least a few hours a week for yourself. Do an activity you love, enjoy a book or podcast, or take yourself on a date to do something fun. If you need to schedule this on your calendar, do so.

Create New Traditions.

Sometimes we can get pulled into nostalgia for a past that is long gone or feel grief from losing people in our lives. It’s easy to get caught up in feeling things that are lacking during the holidays. Create some new traditions you enjoy to focus on the present and enjoy it more. It can be as simple as going to a new park or holiday lights display or as elaborate as creating a new holiday meal tradition.

Practice self-care by taking time to relax. Here are some holiday self-care tips to try:

  • Enjoy a bath and candles.

  • Watch a favorite holiday movie.

  • Get outside. Walk or run on a new trail or check out holiday lights for a scenic outing.

  • Play with your pet.

  • Take 5 to 10 minutes for meditation to relax your mind.

  • Cook something you love.

  • Hang out with your best friend.

  • Slow down and unplug. Take a social media break.

  • Read a good book. (Check out my list of the best running books for inspo).

  • Listen to your favorite podcast.

  • Color or paint. Get creative and make art.

  • Volunteer. Do something for others to brighten their holiday season.

  • Go to an art museum. Lose yourself in the beauty of art.

  • See your favorite people. Make time to see those you really care about this holiday season. If you live far apart, do a video call to catch up.

  • Stretch. Sometimes we may not feel up to a full workout but a nice stretch can feel so good to ease muscle tension.

Check out our 51 Self-Care Sunday Ideas for more ways to unwind and relax this holiday season.

Seek help.

If you feel like self-care doesn’t cut it and you’re still feeling down or anxious, talk with a mental health professional. The holidays are a great time to double down on therapy and get a mental boost and extra support from a trained professional. You can find a therapist based on your needs and location.

I hope these holiday self-care tips help you have a less stressful holiday season. Here’s to enjoying some new celebrations and plenty of recharge time. Happy - and peaceful - holidays to you and your loved ones.🫶

Related Posts: How to Beat Winter Blues and Understand SAD, 51 Self-Care Sunday Ideas to Recharge Body and Mind

Marnie Kunz is a NASM-certified trainer and USATF- and RRCA-certified running coach based in Brooklyn, NY. Marnie likes helping people get and stay active to enjoy a better quality of life. When she’s not doing fitness things, Marnie enjoys exploring with her dog, a mischievous rescue Akita. 

Marnie Kunz

Marnie Kunz is a writer and dog lover based in Brooklyn, NY. She is a running coach and certified trainer.

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