Stunning Brooklyn Street Art: The Gray-Green Divide
If you’re looking for new Brooklyn street art to check out, take a trip (or a run!) over to the Brooklyn Museum to see the Gray-Green Divide.
Art Run for Chinatown Supports W.O.W. Project
The Runstreet Art Run for Chinatown that we are doing with Run for Chinatown is raising funds for the W.O.W. Project, a local mural and arts initiative.
NYC Street Art with Heart: Murals for Good
As an NYC street art lover, I was very happy to stumble across Murals for Good on Instagram recently.
NYC Graffiti Wall at Bowery: New Mural by Raul Ayala
If you are around Lower Manhattan, you cannot miss the eye-catching vivid new NYC graffiti wall at Houston Street between Bowery and Elizabeth streets.
Chelsea Street Art: Protest Signs of the Times
A run around NYC to see Chelsea street art led me to blocks of Black Lives Matter protest art along 7th Avenue between 27th and 28 streets in Manhattan.
UN75 Mural Project Kicks off with Stunning Wall in NYC
In honor of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, this is the first mural of the global UN75 Murals series.
5 Scenic NYC Running Routes
After living and running all over NYC, I’ve had my fair share of amazing running route discoveries. Here is my list of the 5 best NYC running routes:
UN Mural Project Illuminates Midtown Manhattan
Midtown is more than corporate suits and concrete thanks to a plethora of street art that has popped up in the neighborhood.
Street Art Profiles: Ida Noelle
“I like the idea of using art as a tool to inspire something positive in an individual or a community.”
NYC Pride Street Art Celebrates 50 Years
The World Pride Mural Project commemorates the 50-year Pride movement’s anniversary with NYC Pride murals around the city
Street Art Profiles: Ivan Orama
"Go for it no matter how crazy it might seem. You only live once and each second counts." ~Ivan Orama
Street Art Profiles: Myth
I first came across Myth's street art in Bushwick when I stumbled into this amazing super heroine calling for an end to catcalls. Thank you Myth for this interview, and I hope sometimes I'm at least half as heroic as your street art characters:).
Announcing the Soho Art Run Photo Contest Winners!
Thank you to everyone who came out for one of our biggest Runstreet street art runs yet - the SoHo Art Run! We raised money to support Back on My Feet NYC, saw amazon art and had a blast!