Changing the World One Step At A Time: David Brand Fuses Fitness & Social Work
There are many obstacles that prevent poor people and people with mental illness from accessing exercise opportunities. For example, the cost of transportation, the cost of gyms, lack of exercise education and health information, hazardous environments...Then there are the obstacles like uncertainty, intimidation, resistance to change, inconvenience, discomfort and low self-esteem that we all tend to face regardless of mental health or income.
NYC Marathon Stories: Christian Lopez
I feel like running is so much more fun when you have amazing things to look at. Being in California in Santa Monica, I could run up and down the boardwalk with gorgeous scenery as far as I wanted to go. Quickly I realized it was a way to meditate and let loose, de-stress.
Global Running Project: Margaret Kurtz
As we runners know, running offers so much more than a workout or race goal - its power to build confidence, connection and community extend far beyond just the miles and sweat. Margaret Kurtz helps spread this amazing power of running through her involvement with Back on My Feet NYC.
Global Running Project: Roxanne Moreau, Canada
I have been following kick ass Canadian runner Roxanne Gail on Instagram for some time now, and if anyone epitomizes superwoman, it is her. Roxanne slays ultra marathons, trains through dirt, mud, rain, cold, heat and I'm sure would continue through an apocalypse as well.
Global Running Project: Jamaal Jones, Brooklyn, NY
Running has impacted my life by giving me an almost limitless source of energy.