Kick off 2016 with the Runstreet Sweat 30 Fitness Challenge!

Jump start your fitness in 2016 with the Runstreet Sweat 30 Challenge!

First person to complete the 30-day fitness challenge wins a Runstreet hoody!

The second and third people to complete the fitness challenge win Runstreet beanie hats!

Get fit, have fun and get cheered on with the #RunstreetSweat30 challenge! Here's how:

Do one 30-minute (or more:) workout every day for 30 days.

The workout can be any cardio or strength training routine, including running, dance, weight lifting, pilates, calisthenics, bar workouts, swimming, cycling, yoga and more!

Post each workout daily on Instagram with the hashtag #RunstreetSweat30 and tag @Runstreet on Instagram.

The first person to complete all 30 workouts for 30 consecutive days wins a Runstreet hoody! The second and third people to complete their workouts win a Runstreet hat!

*The contest begins January 1, 2016. The contest ends February 14, 2016. Let's get sweating!

Marnie Kunz

Marnie Kunz is a writer and dog lover based in Brooklyn, NY. She is a running coach and certified trainer.

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