Photo at a Chicago Art Run by Marques Jackson Photography.
Runstreet Chicago
Pilsen Outpost hosted our first Chicago Daydream Art Run & Festival. Photo by Grace Pisula.
Runstreet expanded to Chicago in 2017, when Instagram friends Tom Leddy and Runstreet founder Marnie Kunz decided to partner to bring Art Runs to Chicago. Tom, a Chicago native and local street art expert, helped pave the way for an amazing first Chicago Art Run in Logan Square in 2017. And the rest is history, as they say. Runstreet Chicago has held Art Run events to showcase the city’s vibrant mural art in an accessible, fun running format.
In Chicago, we’ve held 5K Art Run events in many neighborhoods, and showcased local artists, galleries and small businesses. We’ve partnered with Belli’s Chicago, Clif Bar, Pilsen Outpost, Truborn Gallery, Time Out Market Chicago, Fleet Feet Sports, Galerie F, and Reebok.
Chicago Team
Tom Leddy
Chicago Daydream Art Run & Festival. Photo by Grace Pisula.
Tom Leddy is Chicago-based runner, author, speaker and world traveler who has run a half marathon or marathon in all 50 U.S. states and on all 7 continents. Tom has spoken about destination races and travel tips for runners at numerous health and fitness expos around the U.S. He is a resident street art expert in Chicago and his passion for murals is contagious as he leads Chicago Art Run events.
Tom has a masters degree in computer science and is a published author with books on travel and running available on Amazon.
Grace Pisula
Grace Pisula is an award-winning filmmaker and photographer who has been shooting for Runstreet in her hometown Chicago since December 2018. Grace loves working for Runstreet and being active, but she does not call herself a "runner" per se. Rather, Grace uses her bike to navigate art runs and to get the best shots around the city.
For many years, Grace was a one-woman arthouse working as a photographer, graphic designer, cinematographer/director, animator, and editor. In 2018 she founded Gold Point Studio and is now the CEO and Director of the digital media production house. Grace is the Technical Director and sits on the board of Chicago’s non-profit womxn filmmaking collective Women of the Now, and is a founding member of Chicago’s original living history escape rooms Escape Artistry. Grace holds a degree in Interactive Media, Photography, and Business Management from Bradley University."
Marques Jackson
Marques Jackson is a professional NYC photographer and longtime Runstreet photographer who sometimes comes to Chicago for special Runstreet events to take photos. Marques Jackson is a fitness, events, and style photographer who specializes in capturing the unique energy and beauty of people and the cities they live in. His unique ability to capture flattering running photos makes him in-demand for running events.